Sunday, November 2, 2008

Impress People At Social Gatherings

Most people say you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Is it true, you will not get another chance to impress when out for social gatherings, business meetings, or interviewing for a job?

The answer is pratically NO.

It is just most of us don’t even know where to start when it comes to giving the public with the right idea about who we are and what we can do.

When one realizes that causing the wrong first impression can cost you a potential friendship, relationship or job, it suddenly becomes very important that you learn just what to do and say to make a great first impression.

First action, one has to do when meeting someone is to maintain eye contact. We were told by our teacher, parents or elders about this piece of advice and yet we somehow still manage not to practice it.

Those whom has a shifty glance appears dishonest and most people won’t want to associate with people they don’t find trustworthy.

Maintain your eye contact without staring, just be normal with eyes looking straight into their face and soon you will be accepted by them.

These gesture bring forth lots of friends, or you may be accepted during a job interview.

People don’t often do is listen well first, before you start to speak during their first meeting with someone.

We often concentrate on what others might be thinking, rather than paying attention to what they may say or their subject of conversation.

This means we can’t properly respond and ask questions. As everyone can probably attest to, this is very annoying and makes one want to end the conversation immediately.

After all, if someone isn’t listening to what you are saying, why bother talking to them?

Do remember well in your heart that is to reduce fidgeting. Even just rubbing your ear or eye while talking can make people think you are distracted or dishonest.

Keep your hand movements to a minimum and avoid tugging at your clothing. By doing so makes a person appear confident and relaxed.

We all want to associate with people that are comfortable in their own style. Display to people that you are one of the best person to get to know in the room.

Making an amazing first impression isn’t difficult. Initially, one might spend a lot of time trying to remember just what they should and shouldn’t be doing, but after a while it will become your natural self. It is advisable not to be an actor but present yourself correctly and naturally

It will be wise to buy yourself a book or do additional research online regarding making good first impressions. There have been many studies done about just what works and what doesn’t.
Take the time to study a few great social moves and put them into action. Your social life will undoubtedly be enjoyful, when one is being shone upon by the public spotlight.